Sunday, December 22, 2013

Anemia : types , causes , clinical picture , investigation and treatment

Types of Anemia

anemia in general is classified into 3 main categories , which are : microcytic , macrocytic and normocytic anemias
Microcytic anemias includes : iron deficiency anemia , thalassemia , sidroplastic anemia and anemia of chronic diseases
macrocytic anemias : as vit. B12 deficiency , folate deficiency , and myelodysplastic anemia
normocytic anemias : aplastic anemia , after severe hemorrahge and hymolytic anemia

general signs of anemia

a picture showing all symptoms of anemia
a picture showing all symptoms of anemia
Source: modusquantum

Clinical Picture and presentation of anemia

General manefestations : there is general manifestations of all types of anemias and other specific manifestation to each type.
general manifestations include:
Symptoms : as headache , dizziness, lack of concentration , insomnia , blurred vision , tinnitus , fingers numbness , dyspnoea , palpitation , anorexia , dyspepsia , amenorrhea , impotence , easy fatigue and claudication of muscles
signs : as pallor specially in mucus membranes , tachycardia and increase the pulse volume , accentuated S1 , hepatospelomegaly , protinuria , polyureaand lower limb edema

specific signs and symptoms for some types of anemia

Iron Deficiency anemia : Pbica , angular stomatitis , atrophic gastritis , mild splenomegaly (may not be detectable) brittle nail , brittle hair and spoonind of nails
Folate and Vit. B12 deficiency : bleeding tendency , repeated infctions , angular stomatitis , atrophic glossitis , gastric atrophu and intestinal atrophy.
VitB12 deficieny : peripheral neuropathy , paraplegia , sensoty ataxia , demantia , psychosis and optic nerve atrophy.
Hemolytic anemia : hemolyic jaundice , hepatomegaly , chronic leg ulcers and four crisis : heamolytic, aplastic , megaloplastic and sequestrational crisis.
thalassemia : mongoloid facies , stunted growth and heamochromatosis.
sickle cell anemia : vaso occlusive crisis which leads to : infarction in multible system organs and leg ulcers.

mongoloid facies of thalassemia

thalassemic facies
thalassemic facies
Source: wfffun

Investigations of anemia

Complete Blood Count : Hb % , RBCs Count , WBCs Count , Platelets Count , MCV , MCHC and MCH
Colout index : normally its 1
Bone Marrow Biobsy
Liver Function Tests : albumin . transaminases , alpha feto protein and bilirubin.
Renal Function Test : Creatinine and Urea
Source: theguardian

Treatment of Anemia

immediate treatment : blood transfusion immediatly if hemoglobin is less than 7 in adults or less than 5 in infants
according to the type of anemia :
Iron deficiency anemia must recieve iron replacement therapy as : oral iron ( ferrous sulfate and ferrous gluconate) parentral iron (Fe sorbitol , Fe Detran and Fe sucrose)
Vit.B12 in Vit. B12 deficiency
Folic acid in folate deficiency
thalassemia : desferrioxamine , genetic counseling , Bone Marrow Transplantation and spenectomy may be Done in some cases.